Swinburne Social Club

By Rob Gooding, Community Organiser

Swinburne social club have been running regular Sunday lunches and breakfast clubs for almost a year now, these are the perfect place to interact and meet new friends in a relaxed environment. The group deliver lunches to members that can attend the sessions in person.

In January it looked like the group may need to suspend these sessions, as their food hygiene certificates were due to run out and they were unsure of where they could source and pay for this training. This was distressing for members as for a lot of them these are the only social interactions they have during the week. Determined not to let these sessions stop the group reached out to us for help with training to enable the sessions to restart. I’m pleased to report that two members of the group have now been trained to level two in Food Hygiene and after only three weeks of the sessions being stopped that they restarted on the 28th February. The group are now looking into doing a Fire Marshall course so they can hold their second South African themed BBQ event, this was an extremely successful event last time they held it.