Open Arms

By Nicola Evans, Senior Project Officer

In late October, a delightful couple joined us for a session at Dalton Parish Hall. Having previously met a member of our team, they expressed a keen interest in learning more about the Open Arms Project. The conversation covered a wide range of topics, and we discovered a shared connection of the voluntary community sector in Rotherham, going back over 30 years!

During the conversations, Giles and Kath revealed their challenges in navigating mobile technology. Nicola engaged in a thorough conversation with them, probing to understand their existing knowledge, which turned out to be quite basic. Following extensive discussions and guidance, the couple went home to reflect on the information shared.

Upon their return in early November, Nicola assisted them in setting up their “new” smartphone and provided guidance on fundamental aspects. Post-session, we informed them about the digital offerings from RMBC (Rotherham Borough Council). With their consent, we passed on their details to the digital team, and they were thrilled to learn about the possibility of receiving ongoing support.

Before concluding the session, Nicola also took the opportunity to introduce them to the Money Skills for Life program. Intrigued by the content, the couple expressed interest in undertaking the full course with our Energy Know How team. They emphasised that it’s never too late to learn and expressed gratitude to the team for providing the opportunity, which had helped them to feel less excluded from society.

“Thank you for helping us with our mobile phone, you were so kind and patient, thank you Nicola”.