Making Our Money Go Further

Jane became known to the Making Our Money Go Further (MOMGF) project via a referral from a PCN link worker. The referral only had basic information about Jane and her situation and to see if we could support this lady in any way. 

Contacting Jane, to obtain more information with regards to her referral was the first stage. Jane disclosed to us that her husband had died several months ago and has received a payment from DWP following his death. Jane told us that after several weeks of asking for support from many other agencies within the Rotherham area MOMGF was her last hope of finding a solution to her concern. Jane was querying what she thought was an over payment from DWP which she had received. This was for a very large amount of money. (This was also a difficult time for her after the death of her Husband)

Jane had received a large amount of money into her bank, but no letter from DWP to confirm the payment, or what payment was for, Jane needed more information and reassurance and felt she could not spend any of the money in case it was a wrong payment, and they would request for it back. On the day of the telephone conversion with Jane she was very concerned and had reservations about the payment and it was making her anxious. It was agreed that a referral would be made to citizens advice for a benefit check, which we did on the day of the phone call.

Citizen’s advice contacted Jane on the same day, a three-way telephone conversion was set up, between, Jane, Citizen’s advice and DWP. Jane was informed by DWP that the money was correct, and it was a back payment, which totally put Janes mind at rest. A telephone call was made to Jane from MOMGF for a follow up conversation to see if we had fully support her.

 Jane stated:

“MOMGF have helped me 100% nobody was helping me, I cannot thank you enough, you have been a great help, I was beginning to think nobody could help me, but you have, you have put my mind at rest, thank you”. Jane also stated, light heartedly, “I can now buy a new garden fence, to keep the dog in, although he won’t be happy, as he will not be able to escape”.