Henley Community Group

By Brandon Freeman, Community Organiser

I have been working closely with the Henley Community Group at Oates Close Community Centre in Masbrough. The group meet every Wednesday to play bingo, enjoy teas and coffees and to have a good natter.

After speaking to the local residents that use the community centre, a common issue that was raised was the intergration of the older and younger residents. With little for local residents and families to do including the lack of local events, parties and celebrations.

A Halloween party was planned together as a means to engage young people, families and the older generation, this offered a perfect opportunity for people to meet, have fun and forge positive local relationships. A way for local residents to celebrate their area and community centre.

Alongside myself, throughout the planning and running of the event, local resident and Councillor Eve Rose-Keenan provided prizes and event support on the day, similarly local residents and group members volunteered and offered their support to help run and promote the event as they wanted to give back to their community and offer a chance to celebrate and integrate with other residents.

The party had a buffet, hot dogs, music and games which went down a treat with adults and children alike! There were lots of prizes which were won by children during games and prizes were also rewarded for various best dressed categories!

Overall the event was a success as it encouraged community cohesion, celebrated the efforts of the various volunteers and offered an opportunity to collaborate with local Councillors. With this positive reception, Councillor Eve and lead volunteer Jenny are keen to run similar events and collaborate in the future.