Connex Participant – Millie

Millie was originally referred to Rotherfed back in July 2021. Millie is a lady in her 50’s who has various clinical issues, including problems with her hip, she uses a walking stick. She lives with her husband who supports her as best he can. Millie is also under mental health as she has problems regulating her emotions (a form of emotionally unstable personality disorder).  She was put onto the friendship calls and was placed with a volunteer named Christine. The two of them got on really well and Millie’s confidence really started to improve, and her emotions started to stabilise. Christine then had to stop volunteering due to ill health and Jane took over until another suitable volunteer could be placed with Millie once her mental health improved.

Rotherfed started doing some coffee mornings at Thrybergh Parish Hall. Millie was invited and she came along to her first one on 9th November. She was very nervous and had to be met at the door and her husband had to wait in the car park in the car throughout the session in case Millie felt overwhelmed. Millie was placed at a table with some other Connex people who had a lot of confidence, and this put Millie at ease. She was constantly checked on during the session by staff to ensure that she was okay. This had a tremendous impact on her self-esteem and her confidence so much so that she decided to attend more events like this.

Millie has attended three events now and is comfortable walking into the room on her own and sitting chatting with those that she has previously met and strong friendships are now being forged. Millie’s husband no longer has to wait outside and just drops her off and comes back later to fetch her. Millie has asked to be invited to all of RotherFed’s events and is also willing in time to become a council tenant volunteer as well. She has also now been placed with another volunteer and they are getting on really well.