We hosted a coffee morning on Wednesday 23rd February which was open to all Rotherham residents. The coffee morning was mostly aimed at the Connex participants to get them out and integrated into events in the community. Present were many people from the befriending service we provide, as well as some volunteers who make the calls to these people. A lot of the service users really enjoyed putting faces to the voices that have supported them throughout their time on the service.
Also, in attendance were 24 council tenants, and providers from around Rotherham who offer services to Rotherham residents. RotherFed projects Energy Know How, and Heart of the Community joined us as well as South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue, and South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership.
The event was well attended, with 51 people connected to RotherFed attending. 18 people managed to get energy advice from our team, and 8 visits by green doctor were booked in as well as winter warmth packs, energy saving lightbulbs and thermostats given out. As well as this, good connections were made with other community groups like the Sudanese group, who were in attendance. Above all, old friends and strangers got to connect face to face which so many people said they were so excited for!
A participant on the Connex project said, ‘I wouldn’t have dreamed of coming to something like this a year ago, but I’m so glad that I’m involved now and can’t wait for the next’.