By Jess Clarke, Project Manager
In October 2018 a local group was supported to form under the name of Swinburne Social Club.
They originally set out as a social club whom met weekly for a ‘cuppa and a chat’- every Tuesdays and Thursdays and from this they have been working on raising funds weekly, to go towards future activities.
The group originally liaised with RMBC in regards to getting their centre updated- this was discussed in January and in March they were able to get a new working cooker and fridge in the centre for them to use. They also have a date set in middle May 2019 for the centre to be re-painted.
The Treasurer has undergone support from our accountant here at Rotherham Federation in order to allow them to keep track of their records easily.
I supported the group in planning their first event, this was a mothers day lunch on 31st March 2019. Group members were signposted in attending our training on ‘First Aid’ and ‘Food hygiene’ beforehand to ensure they could safely run the event. Rotherham Federation was also able to gift the group a ‘buffet warmer’ which would support this and future cooking events.
The mothers day meal was a huge success (pictured below) and brought new people into using the centre with them. Following this they planned an Easter raffle. I supported the group in forming their own logo, and letter heads to write and ask local stores for donations for their activities. They put together a hamper and raised a huge £170 from it.
Their next steps is to hold a jumble sale of all items from the centre after their re-vamp. They are also trying to draw down some funding for a day trip to The Yorkshire Wildlife Park for the community. They are currently having issues with the building and need RMBC input into this, I have liaised with the relevant staff and will be meeting soon to support the group in developing further. The group has faced a lot of barriers so far but have perused on and are still dedicated to bringing something to the local people of Swinburne Place!