Employment – Handyman

By Louise Johnson, Employment Coach

A Client attended an initial meeting in May and we explored his barriers, he said that he was struggling to find work due to his age, being over 60.

He was not eligible for benefits and no longer had a private pension. He was a semi-skilled worker with a good background of work history and only recently finished work. We discussed the type of work he was looking for and the hours and matched him to Handyman work. He didn’t have a CV so we utilised the first session to create a CV which was tailored to Handyman jobs, as well as a cover letter.

He was then able to start to apply for work. In our next session we addressed his finances and completed the ‘entitled to’ calculation which identifies what benefits are available and what his situation would be like if he was working. He was pleased to know that he would be entitled to working tax credit and only had to work 16 hours which made part time work possible. I also taught him how to job search and how to read the job description to match his skills when applying.

The client has been applying for work and was successful with a full-time role.