Open Arms

Janet Malsch, Community Engagement Officer

*Tina has consistently participated in our Springwell Gardens – Community Get Together Sessions over the course of the summer break, along with her three children and her mother. During her initial attendance, Tina primarily focused on caring for her children and engaging in the various activities provided. It was during this first session that Janet had an opportunity to engage with her, providing refreshments for her family while also imparting information about our services.

As the summer progressed and the second Community Get Together took place, Tina actively engaged with Janet again. During their conversation, Tina shared insights into her domestic life and the challenges of keeping her children entertained during the extended holiday period. Janet was able to offer advice on accessing free activities and events in the Rotherham area.

At the recent Teddy Bear Picnic session, Tina once again attended, where Janet caught up with her. Tina had used some of the information provided last time and been on inexpensive days out with her family, which they had all enjoyed.

The conversation got round to money worries, and budgeting for birthdays & Christmas on top of all the regular bills to pay. They discussed the Loan and Savings opportunities offered by Laser Credit Union, which Tina found useful, and something she will consider in the run up to Christmas.

*name changed.