By Rachel Cole, Projects Officer
The last 11 months have been very different and difficult for many people and for different reasons. The Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting economic recession have negatively affected many people’s mental health and created new barriers for people already suffering from mental illness. To try and help Thurcroft investigated doing something to help towards mindfulness and health & wellbeing.
We worked with Rotherham College who started to hold mindfulness classes in September 2020, along with other craft and sugar craft classes. The classes were funded through the college and were free to attend. These classes soon became very popular and filled up quickly. As it was the college that were running the classes, they took place during the day. Many residents said that they would love to attend the classes but due to other commitments couldn’t attend during the day. Additional funding was sourced through Big Local and a local shop, Serenity 66 on Green Arbour Road, donated £200 and with this evening mindfulness courses started in November 2020 for people who couldn’t attend during the day. Again, proving to be very popular and worthwhile. All courses continued to run through December but unfortunately had to stop at the beginning of January 2021 due to the latest lockdown.
Pick Me Up Packs
Due to the classes being put on hold an idea of putting together mindfulness packs to give to vulnerable adult residents was thought of. This was advertised and a local resident came forward to work with us on the project and Big Local funded this. The ‘Pick Me Up Packs’ launched at the beginning of January and 86 have already been delivered. Residents can either be nominated or nominate themselves to receive a pack. The packs are really popular and being well received across the village. These will continue in the short term.

Quotes from residents who have received the ‘Pick Me Up Parcels’: –
“I’m never one for admitting when I struggle but thankyou to you guys I got up today and took care of me! I can’t thank you enough it really turned a bad day into a good thank you again xxx”.
“Aww I’m VERY touched to have received this parcel today. Thank you Cath Mccartan for nominating me – I would never have imagined anyone doing that for me. Thank you to Rachel and Steve for putting it together and delivering it. It most definitely put a smile on my face! THANKYOU SO MUCH!!! xxx”.
“Thank you so much, it does what it says on the box ‘Pick me Up’. Thank you to my daughter Kelly for nominating me and thanks to all you lovely people who gave up their precious time to organise and distribute it. I would normally be offering my time to help but due to underlying conditions I hardly dare step out of the house. Once again, thank you”.