Litter Pick and Teddy Bear Picnic

By Rachel Cole, Senior Projects Officer

Rachel is currently working with RMBC officers, and they are in the process of trying to set up a TARA on the Fitzwilliam Estate. They have held a couple of meetings where residents have attended and expressed their interested in getting involved and starting a group. It was agreed at the meeting in July to hold an event on the estate in the school holidays and it would be a litter pick followed by a Teddy Bear’s Picnic.

The event took place on Tuesday 8 August and luckily the sun was shining. It started with a litter pick at 10am, children had to be accompanied by a parent or guardian and Mear’s contractors supplied the littering picking equipment. Over 15 children attended, and they all had a great time. We concentrated first on the park where the picnic would take place and then moved onto the estate. The litter pick was very successful with over 15 bags being collected. All children received a drink and some fruit for taking part.

Once the litter pick had finished, everyone went home to get their teddy bears and picnic. The picnic started at 12pm in the park. The group ran a tombola and a name the bear to raise funds for the group. The group collected prizes for the tombola, and Rachel purchased a Build the Bear for their name a bear. It was a fantastic event and a great turn out from the residents on the estate. Over £130 was raised from the tombola and name the bear, this money will be saved and used for future events. The next event will be pumpkin painting week commencing 25 October, it is hoped that FLUX will work with the group on this to provide the paints etc. RMBC are also running a grotto on the estate for the families, this will be on Wednesday 13 December, the group have agreed to hold a tombola at this.

It has been a long time since there was a TARA on this estate, therefore, we are really pleased to see the progress and hope that it continues. Rachel will continue to support the group until they are established.