Thurcroft Firework Display Event

The long-awaited Firework Display took place on Saturday 6 November 2021 and again it was a huge success with the local community.  Since Thurcroft first received the million pounds back in 2012, a Firework Display has always been a high priority for the village and what people wanted to see happen.  We held the first event in 2019 and due to the success of this did it again this year, Covid 19 prevented last year’s event.  From 4.00pm there were children’s rides, catering vans, a tuck shop, cake stall, a raffle and the bar was open for refreshments.  The fireworks were lit at 6.30pm and what an amazing show it was, lasting 18 minutes long.  Blaze Fireworks who provided the display for us unfortunately has their unit broken into the weekend before and all the fireworks for their main displays (including ours) were stolen. 

However, this didn’t stop them from still managing to put on a brilliant display for us.  Over 2000 people attended the event and we raised over £1500 during the evening, this money will go into the Year 11 fund to enable events to continue to take place when Big Local has finished. Lots of people gave up their time to volunteer on the day, the event wouldn’t have run so smoothly without everyone’s help. 

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International Men’s Day Breakfast

To celebrate International Men’s Day, RotherFed hosted a Men’s Day breakfast and Men’s Mental Health Session. The event was attended by eleven people from across Rotherham and included a mix of RotherFed group’s members as well as people new to RotherFed events.

We invited local mental health group leaders down to talk about their groups and talk about useful hints and tips on keeping mentally healthy. Simon from Talk & Train did a small talk about the beneficial effects of exercise on mental health and promoted the fact that men need to talk more about their feelings as male suicide rates are on average 3 times higher than female.

As part of the event we held a mental health themed quiz with questions about if people knew where they can get help with mental health, and what they can do to help people in crisis.

Elf Watch!!

It’s that time of year again! Elf Watch is back due to its success last year we decided to bring it back. The Elf watch social media project engages with online community members of the RotherFed Good News Story members to post pictures of what their mischievous Elves have been getting up to over the run up to Christmas. This year the community have not disappointed as we have seen some crackers sent into us. This is designed to be a fun active post where people can show off their creative side and we’re seeing people have fun with this one.

As always, the project started on the 1st of December and ran until the 24th of December. The post has seen over 64 pictures added by 12 members of the Rotherfed Good News page. We received new images daily.

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Connex Volunteer – Susan

Susan applied to become a Connex volunteer. She is a young mum of two young daughters and lives on her own. She also suffers with anxiety and depression. When I received the application, I had an initial discussion on the phone with her, and arranged to meet her in town for a coffee to discuss the role in more detail going forward.

When Susan arrived, she was so nervous and unsure, as she has never worked, nor done anything much in her life except raise her children. She was unsure about the role and how the meeting would progress. We rapidly put her at her ease and explained in detail how the project would work. She was very happy with the outcome. I followed up with her that afternoon to see how she was and as we had established at the meeting she was also a council tenant.

My thought was that before we placed her with an individual to support under Connex, she attends some of our events to increase her confidence. She attended our buffet lunch, and spend the afternoon chatting to those at her table. She was laughing and engaging, and even took some snacks home to her daughters. I followed up with another call that afternoon and this was what she said

‘Thanks you so much for giving me this opportunity and for all of your support. You cannot understand what this means to me, I am now so excited to start volunteering under Connex and would also love to volunteer at events.’

When asked how many participants she would like to support under Connex, she said ‘4’. Which really surprised me, and when I asked why, she said ‘in the sort time that I have been with Rotherfed, the support that had been given, had made me so happy, I now feel that I can give so much to others, and give something back to Rotherfed as well’

Susan will also in the new year be willing to attend HIP and Scrutiny meetings, but has said that she would not like to do the friendship calls, as she doesn’t like speaking on the phone.

Friendship Calls – June and Tammy

Tammy is one of our amazing volunteers who joined us in November 2020, Tammy lives in London but enquired about the position as she wanted to do something but couldn’t find anything suitable near her. As the opportunity was for Telephone Befriending we agreed she could take on the role.

Tammy originally made 5 calls a week to participants often laughing about her accent, it quickly became apparent that Tammy had a knack for engaging with those that seemed at the offset to be sceptical about the scheme. She really had a way of getting some of our older independent ladies to take advice and seek local advice when needed, she even managed to convince a stubborn lady to accept carers into her home to assist her, when nobody else could.

Tammy has been talking to June, a very independent 91 year old for a few months. June really looks forward to the calls despite initially saying she wasn’t bothered and she had nothing to say to anyone. June has numerous health complaints, which puts an enormous amount of stress on her daughter as June will not accept outside help, or have an operation for her cataracts or other medical conditions!

Tammy called me one morning really concerned about June, she hadn’t been able to speak with her for a while but managed to speak to her daughter that morning. It transpires that June had been in hospital, had to have blood transfusions and has now been discharged home.

Tammy said the last time she spoke to Martha she advised her to speak to her daughter and to ring the GP or go to hospital as she had a medical problem that she was keeping to herself, thankfully this is advice she took and she told her daughter that Tammy had said she should seek medical advice.

When Tammy called her this morning (she was still concerned as she hadn’t answered the phone previously), her daughter picked up, June was unable to get to the phone because she was in bed and her daughter didn’t know what to do for the best. She told Tammy that June had been discharged from hospital without a care plan or medical advice, and she didn’t know what to do.

Tammy called me and I called Alison at social prescribing to see if anything could be done. To cut a long story short , thanks to our wonderful volunteer and swift action from Alison, rapid response will now be in place to help June at home , her daughter gets the respite she needs knowing June will be cared for.

Our volunteer is still calling June for updates, unfortunately due to her being in bed she is not able to answer the phone but Tammy calls intermittently and if her daughter or the careers pick up she passes a message to June to let her know we are thinking of her and that she hopes they get to speak again soon.

Friendship Call Participant – Louise

Louise was referred to us back in June 2021. When she was assessed, she was in a really dark place, she had been estranged from her son, her daughter had long covid, and relations were strained. She told me about her marriage and the abuse she had suffered at the hands of her ex-husband. Her oral was extremely low and she struggled to engage in conversation as she did not trust anyone, she had also recently lost her dad, to whom she was very close. She was extremely lonely and socially isolated. There had been some suicide attempts as well. She was also waiting for a knee operation and had to lose weight to enable this to go ahead. Louise was placed with the same two volunteers and her confidence really started to increase.

When Connex was mentioned to her, and it was established that she was also a council tenant, she was invited to attend our first Tenant Voice coffee morning. It was dubious whether she was actually come along. However, on the day, she did, she arrived at the venue and just stood in the doorway extremely frightened.

She was met by Jane and made to feel welcome, Mary, our chair also spend time talking with her and she really opened up to us both. After the event, she was then contacted by Jane to see if she was okay and that she had enjoyed the morning, she could not thank me enough and advised that she would really love to come along to the buffet lunch. I am happy to say that she did come along, and thoroughly enjoyed herself and spent the afternoon talking with other volunteers and staff and again, on leaving, was so proud of what she had achieved, and said how this was now making a massive difference to her life, as she now has something to really look forward to. She is continuing to receive her calls and will continue to attend our events.

Have your say on the Council Housing Strategy Consultation

Rotherham Council has been delivering against the commitments in its Housing Strategy for 2019-22, now the Housing Strategy is being refreshed to set out the key priorities for 2022-25, and Rotherham Council are asking for your help in shaping this.

Please complete the electronic survey by 21st January 2022.

Energy Know How

By Sharon Smith & Noor Salih, Community Energy Advisors

Energy Know How successfully presented a session giving details about priority services register and warm home discount to a large group of elderly people who attended their regular luncheon group.

The meeting was arranged following a discussion at Rotherham Show with the group organiser, Julia who proceeded to contact us via the office.

A telephone discussion took place to discuss in detail the services Energy Know How could deliver, and agreement was made to attend the luncheon group on 27th October 2021.

We intended to speak to the group as a whole and took our projector and equipment however, on arrival it appeared that due to the social nature of the group, chatting and enquiring on each others’ wellbeing and the fact that there were several attendees that were hard of hearing, our original plans to talk to them as a group would probably not be the best option.

We discussed with Julia who organised the event and we suggested that we talk at each table individually allowing us to engage more personally with the group as there was a maximum of 4 people per table. It also allowed for questions and answers and a more personal service particularly for those that were hard of hearing.

In total we spoke to 35 elderly residents each one informed about priority services register and the warm home discount scheme, 5 people booked to have home visits for free draught proofing measures and to fit new led lightbulbs.

Each person was given a thermostat which will help them to regulate whether their homes are too warm or too cold and we then left the group to enjoy their lunch and bingo.

Thurcroft Halloween Event

By Rachel Cole, Projects Officer

Due to the success of last year’s Halloween activities, we decided to do something very similar this year. On Friday 29 October we held a free Halloween crafts and pumpkin session at The Hub.  Over 200 people attended over the 4 hours the event ran and over 100 pumpkins were carved.  Everyone who attended said how good the event was and that it was nice to see people getting together.

Quotes from some of the people who attended:-

My girls loved it thank you for organising it  xx

Continue reading “Thurcroft Halloween Event”

ESOL Classes at Rotherham College

By Kiera Lambert, Community Organiser

A big thank you to the team at Rotherham College ESOL department for allowing me to come along and speak to their more advanced English learners! I was able to speak to them about all things RotherFed, our services, and how we can help support them!

There was a fantastic response by the students there who were all keen to get involved in some way or another. The session allowed RotherFed to hear from a group of tenants who can often be left unheard and promote ourselves to the diverse community within Rotherham.

We look forward to continuing our work with Rotherham College and expanding our support for BAME tenants alongside this.